Iniciativas Sostenibles

Promovemos la protección del medio ambiente mediante iniciativas que reducen emisiones y fomentan decisiones informadas.

Iniciativas Ambientales

Promovemos proyectos que protegen y mejoran el medio ambiente.

A large group of people participating in a protest or demonstration, holding colorful banners and signs with environmental messages. Some individuals have painted faces and are wearing traditional or cultural attire.
A large group of people participating in a protest or demonstration, holding colorful banners and signs with environmental messages. Some individuals have painted faces and are wearing traditional or cultural attire.
Bonos de Carbono

Implementamos estrategias de bonos de carbono para reducir emisiones contaminantes y fomentar prácticas sostenibles en comunidades locales, proporcionando herramientas y recursos para decisiones informadas que beneficien al medio ambiente.

A person is sitting outdoors on a stone platform, wearing a dark coat and jeans. They are holding a sign that reads, 'Be a part of the solution not the pollution.' The image is set in a natural environment with blurred trees in the background, suggesting a park or open space.
A person is sitting outdoors on a stone platform, wearing a dark coat and jeans. They are holding a sign that reads, 'Be a part of the solution not the pollution.' The image is set in a natural environment with blurred trees in the background, suggesting a park or open space.
Huella de Carbono

Desarrollamos iniciativas para medir y reducir la huella de carbono, ayudando a las comunidades a adoptar prácticas sostenibles y a contribuir a la protección del medio ambiente a través de acciones concretas.